About Us:
The Tarka Child Contact Centre (TCCC), held in the Torridge Children's Centre(EX39 2QQ), offers supported contact in a safe, friendly, and neutral place. Children of separated families can spend time with their non resident parent, when there is no other viable option. TCCC supports children to develop and maintain a positive relationship with their absent parent, family member, or sibling. The Centre is easily accessible, with safe play facilities and friendly impartial trained staff and volunteers. We do not monitor or evaluate any contacts, but trained staff and volunteers provide vital support and assistance.
Responsibility of TCCC:
The overall responsibility of TCCC is down to a management team, who bring with them a wealth of experience from CAFCASS, Child Protection, Domestic Abuse, Family Law and Human Resources
The supported contact sessions at the Centre are run by the trained Co-ordinator and a team of dedicated trained volunteers.
All of our volunteers receive induction training and are checked by the Disclosure and Barring Service before starting their commitment to the Centre. In addition, all staff members attend training in areas such as Safeguarding, Domestic Abuse, Conflict Management, First Aid and Health & Safety.
TCCC ensures that the Centre is a safe environment for all. TCCC has policies and procedures in place to respond quickly and effectively to any child protection or safeguarding issues that may arise, ensuring that no child or vulnerable adult is put in a position where they may be at risk of harm.
Accredited by the Nation Association of Child Contact Centres:
"Promoting safe child contact within a national framework of Child Contact Centres.”
NACCC’s member Child Contact Centres have an accreditation process which shows that all NACCC Child Contact Centres work to agreed and approved national standards, which ensure that families using the Centres are safe and well cared for.
The Tarka Child Contact Centre operates a strict Confidentiality Policy relating to both adults and children attending the Centre.
However, the Centre also believes that the welfare of the child is paramount, and recognises that child abuse occurs in all religions, cultures and social classes. Therefore, confidentiality issues will be overridden by the need to act for the welfare of the child.